Ttc after Mirena


I’ve noticed that since I’ve gotten my iud out ovulation hurts SO BAD. Like I cramp for at least 5 days after I ovulate. It’s also taking longer to get pregnant than it has any other time. With my last pregnancies I got pregnant on the 3rd or 4th cycle, I’m on cycle 5 now. The last time I was pregnant was in 2019 and it ended in miscarriage, then I got the IUD. I didn’t have any issues while I had the IUD, it was literally the perfect birth control for me. I had it for 3 years and had it removed in august 2022 to start ttc, no issues with removal.

I’m wondering if the iud could have caused issues that weren’t evident while I had it? I don’t remember ovulation ever hurting this bad before I had it. I honestly don’t remember it hurting at all.

Anyone experienced something like this? I just want some other experiences before I call my OB just for them to tell me the cramping is normal🙄