Inositol cycle issues


Hi Ladies,

I am very frustrated and was hoping for some opinions or experience with this. I have been on inositol for 2 cycles now and was on it previously 3 cycles and it completely takes my regular cycle away like no ovulation and no period. I was seeing a specialist but I feel like she isn’t addressing it concerns and making TTC worse for us because of this.

I was regular and had positive OPKs around the same time every cycle. I however have low Amh and high fhs. And hubs has low morphology. We have one child who’s 3 conceived naturally after 2.5 years trying. We have had a few chemical pregnancies which is why I think she had us try inositol for egg quality. I also take vitamin d, b, folate, preconception vitamins, and coq10 which I’ll keep taking. But I think I’m gonna quit taking the inositol and trying to get my cycle back so we can keep trying.

Anyone have issues with inositol like this?! When did your cycle come back?
