pregnant with 20 month old


I’m still waiting for my period to I’m in such denial but i get bursts of excitement (very shortly) lol.

I love my first born so much and I take pride in being a mom. I loooove doing everything mommy. I don’t spend a lot of time away from him, we breastfed, i’ve been with him everyday of his life pretty much. Grandmas rarely has them but I just have a hard time sharing him lol He sleeps great in his own room so night time and naps are the only breaks i want and need. anyways, I can go on and on about how much I love my child lmao but i’m so afraid that i won’t feel the same for this one. I’m afraid to be a second time mom. Motherhood is never a breeze but i’ve had it really easy with my baby to now toddler. i’m scared this baby will be the total opposite and i’ll won’t be able to breastfeed, I won’t be able to have my night and nap times, (obviously not for awhile but i just mean when they can sleep all night) , I’m scared it’ll effect my relationship with my first born. It makes me sad thinking about giving another human my attention more so a baby. I still feel like he’s my baby!!! ahh im crying lol any kind words and encouragement is appreciated.

I also don’t know how to tell dad so any tips on that would be great 😅