Sick, sore breasts, hives… HELP

Guys I’ve been back to back sick for weeks…. I thought it was a cold or the flu… I’ve been swabbed for Covid/strep/flu… all negative..

Only one of the lymph nodes in my neck is swollen pretty big and painful… for the past week now… well really the last few months it’ll flare up and go back down with really no explanation…. I don’t have birth control and I’m not at all sexually actively (married and husband is military/deployed or training a lot… I’ve got three kids 🤷🏻‍♀️ not pregnant)

I am getting hives up my body, I usually get them when I’m ill, it’s part of this autoimmune mess I deal with…

The lymph nodes in my armpit hurt too… my breasts are so sore… 🤷🏻‍♀️ I’m worried about wasting time at the doctor for them to do this emoji 🤷🏻‍♀️

I go to the doctor a lot, this: 🤷🏻‍♀️ is usually the consensus….

I’ve tried heat pads… cold packs… acetaminophen… ibuprofen… DayQuil.. NyQuil… all the things..