Fertility Drugs Round One ✔️


After years of TTC (previously) and a little over all year trying with my current boyfriend I finally went and got everything checked out.

Background I'm almost 32. No medical problems, non-smoker, no drugs, don't drink...I don't eat super poorly, though I could use some more veggies in my routine. Etc.

However my issue was my periods were sometimes irregular sometimes not....which after that (finally) visit to the OBGYN things were made a little clearer.

No PCOS. yay.

Nothing came back on the ultrasounds.

Nothing in my blood work.

No issues with thyroid etc.

...but I am not ovulating when I should...

ENTER fertility drugs.

And according to OBGYN once I ovulate as I should...boom...baby time. Easy peasy. (We shall see).

So here we are...one round done...day 18 of my cycle...and I will go in later this week for another blood draw.

The reality is...I could be pregnant very very soon...and I'm trying to hard not to ve excited because the let down and heartbreak is worse each and every time.

But hey...cheers to scheduled sex...fun times! 🥳 🎉