No where to turn , Advice please

I live with my family, sister and mother plus nephew.

Both my sister and mother have undiagnosed mental illnesses. There mental issues make them attack me . My sister has throw things at me , tried to suffocate me with a pillow, tried to wreck the car with me in it etc , and my mother has threaten to kill me with a knife in her hand , etc. I have a police report on my own mother and I have called the police on her twice.

I left out the home and started living in a hotel, because I couldn’t stay there and save long enough without fearing for my life everyday.

They are too expensive for me and I’m a single female alone with absolutely no one to help me.

I’m wondering if I should go back to the home just to keep me from being alone . I miss my nephew, when all of my other family treated me bad he was the only one that didn’t, he grated me like real family. He loved me and was nice to me. He was my little friend (2years old) kinda like my son. I don’t feel safe there at all but it’s also too dangerous for me to be in a hotel room alone like this. It’s like either way I’m in danger. I’m scared some man will see me alone and try to rape and kill me. I don’t think a shelter is an option for me . I have been completely homeless in the past and used a shelter and it was even more dangerous