6 days of Positive LH strips


This is today on two different tests.

This is the cm for over a week.

Looking for some advice! My period was supposed to start December 22, 2022 and it came 3 days early on the 19. I had sex that night and about an hour later my period started. I am always regular 28 days sometimes 29 and I ovulate usually on my 14th cycle day. But December was a way off month for me. I usually bleed 4 days then spot and stop on 5th but this was a 6 day bleed and then as soon as it stopped I started getting off white stretchy thick ewcm. And it has not stopped, it almost looks like a mucus plug! I have had a positive opk test since 4 days after my period. It keeps going from same color as test line to darker than and then back to same and today I did it on two different tests and both are so much darker than test line. Any advice would be great as I have been ttcing for 15 months. Pictures have been added.