Possible failed pregnancy

Not sure where to actually post this and possible trigger warning ⚠️

According to my last period, I should be 8w 4d, however I had an early abdominal scan at 6w 6d and there was a yolk sac/fetal pole visible but very hard to see and the measurements that were taken suggested that the pregnancy was only around 5w 3d and she also mentioned that there was ‘blood pockets’ around the pregnancy.

I had to go back a week later for another scan but she did an internal one this time which gave a clearer picture and a slight change in size but still not measuring where it should be, and thinks the change in size is because of doing a trans vaginal scan and seeing a clearer picture, there was also no heart activity detected on the scan and there was still blood pockets as she described it around the pregnancy.

So she thinks that the pregnancy stopped progressing at around 5 weeks and that my body just hasn’t recognised that there is something wrong but she can’t determine for sure until I go back to have another scan.

I’m just wondering if anyone has had anything similar happen to them and any answers as to why I haven’t actually miscarried yet?

I’ve had no pain or bleeding and will be coming up to almost 9 weeks pregnant (4 of those weeks it apparently hasn’t been progressing) but my body hasn’t passed anything yet?