How do I lose weight as a teen?


I am sort of stuck. I’m not overweight, im an average weight for my age. Im not fat, but im not skinny. Im thin in some areas but a little chunky in others. Im not insecure about myself but when I look in the mirror I go “hm..this doesn’t look right.” I look weak and unhealthy. Im not very into sports, so im not very active and I try to eat as healthy as I can but it’s hard when what my parents make for dinner aren’t the healthiest options. I wanna loose weight but look strong. I see all these workouts on YouTube but there is so many and idk where to start. It’s so overwhelming. I weigh around 118 pounds but I wanna loose between 8-10 pounds. I know you can’t spot reduce fat but I want a flatter stomach and more of an hourglass shape. I don’t have access to a gym and I don’t have any workout equipment at my house. Currently, I do 10-15 minuet and workouts before school and that’s really it. What should I do? Idk where to start. I wanna loose weight as fast as possible!