Friends With Benefits


Early last year, I met this adorable guy in my University Country, and we had mad chemistry. We eventually became fuck-buddies, and it was the most fun I would have in a while. We were exclusive and would confide in each other over other "non-sexual" things, and he was such a comfort I started having feelings for him. Subsequently, I told him how I felt and that we should try dating if he felt the same way. He never did tell me if he liked me too or not. But, he told me he was too busy to date, that I was not ready to date and that we would break up eventually. I went to my country and after about 8 months came back to find him with a girlfriend of 7 months. I don't know what to feel, or if what I feel is even right. Should I ask him why he did that? Or it's none of my business what he does with his life? Also, what should I do about him asking for "favors" like "ohh let me see your boobs" or "give me some head but I can't have sex with you coz I have a girlfriend"?