Advice girls ?

So me and my bf have been together for almost 4 years. We have a son together. I’ve always had trust issues but he’s never really given me a reason not to trust him. The only thing he did do before that I wasn’t okay with was that he would look up girls on Instagram and that kinda hurt me. But we talked and he never did it again and he got off social media too. But , recently we had gotten into a fight and we were at the brink of breaking up. He said he got tired of my insecurities and distrust when he’s not even doing anything. In reality, he would always do everything to keep me happy and he stopped doing certain things like talking to old friends before we were even official. He changed a lot to keep me happy and respect me. But now, since I keep just distrusting him for no reason, he told me he even started talking to more people at work including girls. He’s not talking to them outside of work or hanging out with them but he told me he started being more social because the only reason he had stopped being so social with other people including girls was for me. But now he’s starting to again because he says it wouldn’t even make a difference. I wouldn’t be happy. And he also said that he’s thinking of getting back on social media. He decided to give our relationship one last chance so that we can try to work it out and he wants me to trust him and he wants to trust me too. But He always tells me all the guys names and guys he talks to at work and he tells me stories about them and stuff but he never mentions one single girl and I know he talks to girls now at work at least. But when I asked him yesterday to tell me like who he talks to or what he talks to girls about he just tells me it’s irrelevant and that I’m gonna get obsessive over it. He told me to just trust him. He said he doesn’t feel comfortable telling me about girls he talks to at work. He said he’s trying to make it work but that things aren’t gonna be the same as before. He’s not gonna be changing himself just to keep me happy. Is he wrong? Am I wrong? Should I just put the problems aside and trust him? And try to have a good relationship? Im just such an insecure person 😔 I’m literally home all day and I think that’s why I just feel like I have nothing better to do but to overthink.