Constantly anxious

I’ve had horrible anxiety as long as I can remember. But since I’ve had my son it is SOOO bad. I’m constantly anxious. My daughter is 3 and I don’t remember being this anxious when she was a baby.

But every time he cries my anxiety is through the roof. I’m always thinking he’s sick. He’s been teething and super fussy then I just panic about if he won’t sleep tonight or if he won’t stop and I won’t be able to eat etc. and sometimes I can’t even really explain why I’m anxious. Like im just waiting for something to happen with him. He’s only 4 months and I’m driving myself NUTS. My husband is so chill about everything and I forever wish I could be like that.

What can I do to help this? I KNOW everything isn’t that serious and I should cross those bridges when I get to them, but no matter what I tell myself, I’m constantly stressed.