Is this ectopic pregnancy ?!

I found out I was pregnant at 9dpo with a vvvfl. Full positive at 11dpo. I went in and had my levels checked at 16 dpo and they came back at 666.77. I went back two days later and they were at 1378. TODAY, (also I’m 6 weeks pregnant today based off last period) I went and had my levels checked again and they are 9328. Here have been my symptoms since finding out I’m pregnant.

I was mildly spotting the first week I found out



Mild nausea, no vomiting

No cravings/sore boobs

Pregnancy Brain

And some mild strange cramping/twinges

As of yesterday, I was having some dull pains on the left side of my groin. Then I had these super weird “pulling” sensation on right side of my upper back(rib area). I messaged my ob about my symptoms.

She called me today and since my levels are higher at 9328 she wants me to come in for a ultrasound to see if everything looks normal. She said it could be but also mentioned ectopic and I’m just a little worried. I’ve had three MC and the nurse wants me to come in just in case..

But overall, I honestly feel great. Minus the exhaustion