Am I pregnant!?


last night I woke up and had throw up and was sweating pretty bad, I’ve been nauseous since, and my boobs look a bit bigger and I haven’t had my period for 3 months. Other than that no symptoms I took two pregnancy tests around December 20TH both were negative but I’m definitely not sick. I’m not sure what it could be!? What do y’all think!? Side note I got off my birth control in the beginning of October and haven’t had my period since but my husband hasn’t cum in me or anything like that yes I know precum can get your pregnant but it’s not a very high chance. I’m getting another pregnancy test tomorrow but did this happen to any of y’all and what ideas do y’all have that might cause this!? Also I swear I’m a bit bloated but idk one more thing I’ve been peeing a lot and I know I don’t drink enough water as it is so there’s no way I’m having to pee every hour it seems like………***Please be nice I’m 19 and im just asking for your opinions I’ve had mean comments before and ppl literally making fun of and laughing at me and it rlly doesn’t help****

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Any update?


Posted at
This happened to my mom she was 2 months late she took 4 pregnancy test all negative went to get checked out and they find anything they told her she wasn’t pregnant she had a tiny tumor in her ovaries size of a seed but she had that for 2 years already so they just told her to get a blood test done just in case went back 2 months later and baby boy was showing up on an ultrasound 😂


Lacey • Jan 4, 2023
Oh sh*t 🥲☠️😂😂