Pink spotting


Hi ladies, I really need advice.

This is my 5th pregnancy with no living children.

I had an ultrasound last week on the 26th where they could see two yolk sacs, GS but unsure if they could see fetal poles and said it could be that we are a few days out of the worst has happened. Follow on to that night when I went to the toilet I had some pink spotting which quickly turned brown the next day. My EPU rescanned me due to this and we seen a heartbeat!

This Sunday I went to the toilet and after BM I had more pink which quickly turned to brown. Last night I had the same thing! I went to the toilet and the next time again after BM I had more pink which tappered off to brown quite quickly. There's been no clots or severe pain but my mind has quickly went to maybe I'm trying to miscarry and because of my progesterone it's stopping it?

Has anyone had this before? I've a follow up ultrasound with the private clinic tomorrow.