Pregnant after 2 chemicals


I am 2 days late for my period and my test was a vfp this morning. I had my first chemical (I hate calling it that) in September and my second in November. I have been taking a prenatal since we started ttc and my OB put me on folic acid after the chemical I had in November. She told us to not try in December and then start TTC again in January. We tried not not to bd while I was ovulating but apparently were not successful….

My husband said he wants to know what is going on and to be in the loop on my pregnancy tests and my HCG levels when I go to the doctor but is not going to get excited and doesn’t want to talk about anything baby related which I totally get.

I just feel so many feelings right now and it is so hard. I am happy, nervous, sad….you name it. Has anyone had any similar experiences, if so how did you cope and keep from going crazy??