No juding Marijuana smoking

Okay so please no judging, but for the past year, I have been smoking Marijuana daily like all day every day. I think it has been affecting me in ways it shouldn't. I really want to try to quit, but I think it is gonna be really hard for me to. I am almost 30 years old.

I was smoking to help with a childhood trauma that i just remembered what happened and to just deal with stress that everyday life throws at me.

There is a couple reasons why i want to quit one is for the money. Me and my husband both smoke and we are spending like 500 or more on it a month. It is affecting my memory and just making me not able to thinking clearly like a foggy head or something. And also i have 2 different associates degrees and im stuck at a dead end job. I want to get a better job.

So i guess my question is how would be the best way to quit like cold turkey or to taper off of it. Like only smoke right before bed for like a couple weeks or so. If i quit cold turkey im afraid of the withdrawals that i may have and if i tamper off im afraid that i wont stick to smoking just before bed.

Now i would like to add that my husband is not quitting and im okay with that. I just want to quit for my personal reasons.

Any and all advice is much appreciated.

Also I want to try to do it myself without getting help from a doctor first.