Laparoscopy/Endo Success Story


G0P0, 22F, stage IV endometriosis with complex L ovarian cyst, suspected adenomyosis. Excision, appendectomy, bilat saplingectomy, robotic laparascopy+cystoscopy POD 2 update :)

Strap in, folks. This is a long ass story LOL.

It started maybe 2 years ago when I one day woke up at 5am thinking that I was going to die. I presented to the ED (not mine, thank god) with 10/10 pelvic/abdominal pain thinking that something had gone drastically wrong. I was seen almost right away. After pain meds and imaging, they told me I had a cyst that likely was leaking, and to followup with my GP. That followup turned into a waiting list for a gyne / endometriosis specialist. I wasn't interested in hormones at the time, and happy to wait. Then covid resurgence threw a wrench in all that, due to people not being vaccinated or cautious and I was in and out of the ED for the same cyst issues.

My first gyne referral left me without words. I had an old lady boomer gyne who told me straight up that I don't have endometriosis, and that she would never ever bring a case like mine to the OR. she prescribed me useless pills and condescended me for doing research/knowing shit about women's health, despite knowing I'm an RN. Terrible gyne.

My second gyne referral was my saving grace. She is a younger practitioner, so kind, compassionate, and an endometriosis specialist. From my physical exam, she was able to feel that I had advanced implantations that needed to come out. Her care for me was truly unparalleled and honestly she restored my faith in gyne care. She also prescribed me Visanne, which is my favorite med of all time now.

My third referral was to a similarly prestigious gyne and endo clinic associated with my alma mater, but I had already signed papers for my procedure so I cancelled this appointment. Im sure my care would have been just as great here. They (i think) are the current leaders in endo care in my province.

While i waited for an OR time, I took Visanne religiously and had great results. I also cleaned up my diet, went to the gym 3-4 times a week, and tried to spend more time outdoors. I basically went from being disabled 1-2 weeks a month, to being symptom free aside from spotting initially.

Intra and peri-operatively, I received such great care from my colleagues and we exchanged many laughs as I came off the anaesthesia. My gyne even handwrote me a note to read when I got to PACU. Everything went well, but my OR time was almost doubled because of the sheer volume of endo. I have 4 keyhole incisions, some ab soreness, and gas pain, as well as a killer ventilator cough, but I'm not feeling too terrible. I remember feeling a little miffed initially that they took my appendix, but it was full of endo and that was probably the drugs talking. POD 1 definitely was the worst for nausea, and it really burned to pee after the cystoscopy.

Pooping is still a bit of a challenge, but I've been taking the fibre powder and drinking water so hopefully that resolves soon. Heating pads, cats, fiance's, and gas relief pills are a godsend!

Dms and comments are welcome! I hope my story brings someone a little bit of hope along their endo journey!!