I feel so disheartened...

Lydia • 👼👼👼👼

Today is day 29 of my cycle and my temperature dropped from 98.85° yesterday to 98.04° today. I'm absolutely sure that my period is coming because of that. I knew that we had sex too early. Yes I track bbt and test religiously but my boyfriend didn't listen when I told him we should have sex again to be on the safe side. It really infuriates me to think that U might have gotten pregnant this month but didn't because of his negligence! I have have a much higher sex drive than he does and he doesn't really feel like having sex in the winter 😒 plus he is doing classes to become a graphic designer which literally take up all of his time . But what I found totally unacceptable is that he couldn't spare 5 mins to get me pregnant!! And yes he wants children as much as I do. Actually he's the one brought up having a baby and I was overjoyed because this is the first time I'm with someone who wants a child as much as I do. He keeps telling me he wants me to get pregnant as soon as possible and he wants to know everything going on in my cycle but then when it's time to get down to business, he's a no show. Well a no show when it comes down to my 2 most fertile days. I'm starting to wonder if he really wants a?baby like he claims 🙄