Grieving a baby that isn’t there😭

Lauren❤️ • C&A🤍

I had spotting for a few days and was being disregarded by GP/Midwives and EPU. Telling me spotting was common.

Yesterday I started bleeding red and clots and was told EPU wouldn’t see me still without a referral or without going via A&E. So that’s where I went.

Deep down I knew I was losing this little baby that we were so lucky to be blessed with quickly after having my IUD out.

Upon having a ultrasound, I should’ve seen a baby that was 11 weeks and 4 days, or there abouts.

Instead I was shown an empty sac with no growth inside and was only measuring about 5/6 weeks.

My body failed to recognise that it didn’t progress and I’ve walked around for 6 weeks thinking I was growing another beautiful baby and I’ve never felt so let down by my body and I don’t know how to get over grieving a baby that wasn’t ever there😭

When is the right time to start trying again?