Friend getting less and less supportive of my pregnancy struggles

I have this girl- my BEST friend.

I have been trying to get pregnant. For 9 cycles. She has been there for me thru out the whole thing, but she is becoming apathetic to my struggle and less and less supportive as my journey gets harder. I am really upset with her.

She already has 3 kids of her own, so I guess I don’t expect her to fully understand my struggles.

Basically, my first month trying, I got my period. She was very sympathetic, I went to her house and cried, we hung out. Texted me a lot to make sure I was ok.

The second month, I got my period, same thing, we even went out to dinner that weekend, texted me to make sure I was ok.

Third month, she was supportive, told me about ovulation strips, told me she had a feeling next month would be my month

Every month she cared less and less. Texted me less and less to ask how I was feeling

I am very grateful she was there for me in the beginning, but now I need her more than ever.

I got my period on weds. She said “I’m so sorry”.

That was it.

Thursday, I waited all day for her to check in on me. She didn’t.

Today. She texted me about her son, didn’t mention or ask how I was feeling at all.

I don’t understand. Every month the struggle gets harder and harder