Sudden breakout at 28 turning 29 edited


So I’ve been lucky and never suffered with Acne before. However I’m 2 weeks off turning 29 and I’m suddenly breaking out. Like this morning I had a couple pimples and tonight the whole left side of my face is gonna break out. I usually get a couple around my period but that’s not due for a couple weeks.

Last month I did have 2 periods. Called my doctor when the first one was abnormal just to be told by the guy “periods vary and don’t worry about it”. Also told him I regularly had my thyroid function tests in my teens because of irregularity, which he just dismissed. I fell the breakouts and the periods are connected. How do I make my doctor listen when I say I believe I have a hormonal imbalance or my thyroid might not be quite right?

I also do understand it could just be my age but it seems coincidental to me.

*Edit* an ingredient had changed in my usual face serum and my skin has cleared up since changing it.

Also today I got my period again! They’re now happening 2 weeks apart and I will be speaking to the nurse when I have my Pap smear on the 23rd