Convinced myself that I'm dying

I've had these moles for most of my life. I am 26. I had my moles checked in 2019. The derm said I had nothing to worry about. They were fine. The pandemic hit and I put off going to the derm until December 2022. I was told my moles looked suspicious. Both moles have grown over the years but one is bigger and darker. Everything I read points to melanoma. I know I shouldn't Google but I can't help it. I have to wait 2 more weeks to get them removed and sent for biopsy. I've been looking back at pictures and noticed the change around 2 years ago. I've convinced myself that the sickness has spread through my body. I google the symptoms of it metastasizing and of course I have some of those symptoms. Today I felt weak and nauseous and that convinced me even more. I am scared. I've been crying so much these last few weeks. I haven't been eating much or cleaning. I have kids and I am scared to leave them. My youngest is only 1. I'm so scared it is driving me crazy.