Is my dad abusing drugs of some sort?

My dad and a majority of his side of the family are, unfortunately, addicts. My dad claims to formerly using cocaine when he was younger and instead he’s a heavy drinker and has been for a longgg time. About 4-5 years ago, he used to steal my mom’s anxiety medicine because he would take too much of his and run out too early. His doctor also used to prescribe him Xanax but stopped and refused to give him anymore because he was running out too quickly for doctor’s comfort. Recently, I’ve had suspicions of him because he would get these weird packages from out of the country, many containing pills. I’ve also seen weird pill packages in their bathroom too. Then something really weird happened a few weeks ago where my dad claimed that someone hacked their bank info and stole thousands of dollars, naming off purchases from other countries. But when they tried to submit a claim (the bank we use always at least gives a temporary refund until they investigate) and my mom said they didn’t give them any. Just yesterday, he called my brother and said their PayPal and bank got hacked again and their whole accounts was wiped again so he needed his PayPal info instead. Today, he’s been acting really weird. Like he keeps telling my mom that he “hears and sees things” from the other room. Including that he “sees Her” abusing my son from outside the house. (Which didn’t happen, we were all together”. Or that he can “see her going crazy” when we were literally all just standing around talking about something that came in the mail. And then randomly wakes me up while I’m taking a nap on the couch to tell me to “stop deleting my texts because he needs them”.

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