Should I be worried that he’ll end up killing her?

I made a post earlier saying my dad was acting really weird, has a history of substance abuse, and is alcoholic. He also is verbally, mentally, and emotionally abusive to my mom. He’s been weird all day so he told everyone that he decided to take a nap and would come back. My sister said a little while later, she saw him standing at the top of the steps, like he was listening to someone. But no one was even downstairs. He saw her and asked if our mom was “always this crazy”. She said he was scaring her because his eyes were really wide too so she walked away. He came downstairs and went into the bathroom. While in there, my sister and my mom were talking about laundry. He came out and started screaming “let’s get crazy” and how he was going to join her in being crazy and all this really bizarre shit. While they were fighting, he walked over to the counter and took two large knives and clapping them together. Saying “oh you wanna keep fucking with me, let’s go then” and “I can show you how crazy I can be”, then started making ultimatums, saying either he was moving out or she was, and kept screaming to call her names and accusing her of things that never even happened. She also started moving closer to him while he’s still holding the knives and he started pointing them at her.y sister was with us and begged me to call the cops. So I got worried and called the cops.

When we filled out paperwork with cops, she swore he would never hurt her. And she said I only called cops and got scared because I’m a kid. But I’m 21 and have been abused to the point my ex threatened to kill me multiple times and this isn’t comfortable to me.

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