Lower Abdominal Pressure


May be TMI… Has anyone ever had lower right persistent pressure and had it be just like severe constipation? Ever since about 9DPO I’ve had some pressure there that is worse when on the toilet and during intercourse. I’m about 5 weeks now. I have a history of harder stool/bowel movement difficulty my entire life. I have a lack of appetite and feel like there’s a lot of gas that I’m just not passing. Stomach is gurgling all the time. Mild laxatives help produce a bowel movement but I still have the pressure. I’m anxious about this first pregnancy being ectopic, and I have an appt Wednesday. Maybe cysts/fibroids? Google makes every symptom sound like it could be just about anything, from extreme issues to regular ol’ pregnancy symptoms. Just wondering what else it could be to help put my rollercoaster mine at ease for 2 days. Tests continue to get darker every few days with most recent being a due stealer.

I am aware of the potential severity of ectopics