Miscarriage Pills/D&C advice

I had a miscarriage and took the pills to get everything out of my system yesterday, it was the worst day of my life! I’ve never ever been in so much pain I thought I was going to die I felt like I was in full blown labor for 5 hours! I’m so traumatised after yesterday💔

A lot came out as I was already 8 weeks I have to go for a US next week to make sure everything is out. Everyone I have spoken to has said to me that I should still do a D&C even if everything is out my system because it makes it easier to conceive again.

I need advice please I really don’t know what to do and I really don’t want to put myself through pain again. Mentally and physically as it was my first baby and took us a year to conceive.

My OB also told me that I must wait up to 6 months to try and convince again?

Please if anyone has been through this and can give me advice I’d really appreciate it

Tia xx