D&C second thoughts….

Candice • 1 son born May 2020 #pandemicbaby Missed miscarriage and D&C 1-2023

I am scheduled for a D&C tomorrow morning for a missed miscarriage. I am currently 9.5 weeks but measuring at 7 weeks when the pregnancy was no longer viable. 3 consecutive ultrasounds with no heartbeat 😞

My doctor gave me the option to wait it out naturally or undergo a D&C. My HCG levels were not dropping but were not rising to the point of a viable pregnancy so he said it could take a few weeks for my body to process and pass naturally. He didn’t mention taking medication and I’m not sure why.

I chose the D&C because I just want it over with and to move on and for it to be the the safest, quickest, and painless as possible. But now I am second guessing the choice thinking I should go the natural route? But also think that may be traumatizing to miscarry at home.

I’m sure these thoughts are normal and maybe I just need some encouragement.