Is a fertility test necessary ? Would love thoughts.

Lou Boo

I joined Glow in Sept, but only started past 2 cycles using OPK testing..

I am neatly 40 and worry my time frame is short. I have an older child already.

I wanted to get the ball rolling in case there was a waiting list etc. I’d booked a blood test in with my doctor but she wasn’t sure of the fertility clinic waiting times at all?! So I rang them directly and they said they’d NOT check me over without my partner giving in a sample? I said he’s away working at present and they said they’d 100% not carry out tests on me without him ‘first’ ?! I visit my partner at present due to his work commitments.

She was however very helpful and she said that although I maybe had cysts detected in the past and also having pain and discomfort / cramps that cysts don’t cause pain and cysts are often harmless and dissolve..

She also said I should save my money as she felt Clear Blue OPK and other tests were a waste of money and often not often accurate ??! She said intercourse 3 times a week is all we need.

But I feel the CB advanced tests are good as show flashing smiley (pre ovulation) solid smiley (day of ovulation or next day)..

But who am I to question a fertility specialist?