
Just need to rant. Had my daughter November off ‘21 after 18 months of trying to conceive. Marc’22 ended up with a positive pregnancy test ( were not trying it was kinda an oops ) within 3 days tests were lighter, hcg was low. “ chemical miscarriage”. We have not been preventing since march, because we figured with our luck and hard time getting pregnant we were ok. Tuesday 1/10 appointment for yearly with OBGYN. Got a referral for infertility clinic to see what’s going on as we have established not a peep of a pregnancy since our CMC in march. That same day I take a test for no reason other than it’s just another month, right? Well it pops positive (10 days dpo) 4 tests later— positive pregnancy. Wednesday hcg quant 5.6. Thursday, bleeding begins. Im simply feeling defeated. TTC is no fun, and not easy.