Blighted Ovum


Has anyone had extreme nausea that occurs and sensitivity to smell with a blighted ovum over time ?

I didn’t have any of these symptoms until now that I’m 8 weeks (technically )but I was just told at the last 2 appt that I’ve had that I was going to have a miscarriage due to there being no baby or heart beat seen in the gestational sac at this time, my Hcg levels are measuring that I’m further along than whats seen on the scan.

My doctor said there’s still a chance that the indications may be wrong but more than likely the pregnancy is not a viable one at this point from what my doctor is seeing.

Has anyone experienced this ? If so did the pregnancy end up being viable ?

Please if anyone has been through anything like this or similar please leave your comments I appreciate everyone’s input and stories in advance thank you 💔