

Taking Clomid 150mg my period on 4 days late. I started getting some cramps and some brown discharge.

A little back story in July 2022 found out I was almost 8 weeks pregnant (super excited) would have been my 1st pregnancy at 39 years old. I miscarried at 10 weeks :(. In November of 2022 doctors suggested Clomid 50mg. So back to now my period was late I got excited then the cramps and brown discharge came for about 2 days. Just brown discharge no blood not even when I wipe. On the 3rd day my period came down full force heavy plus clots, this is normal for me too have heavy periods. But it’s never late and I’ve never seen that discharge like that before excepts when I had that miscarriage. I called the doctor but he’s out the office. My cycle normally last 5 days however once the blood came down my period only lasted 2 days then stopped. I took a pregnancy test and it’s negative. What could all this be? What does it mean?