it’s been so long!!🥺

brooke • girl mama💗💗

a little update! presley has grown and has been learning so much! she could be starting preschool this fall if all goes well! if not she can still go next year!❤️ her little sister just turned 1 this past October so now I have 2 toddlers on my hands! and let me say age 3 has been by far the hardest! tantrums galore and we’ve been struggling real bad lately! I’m so exhausted, but my heart is full!❤️ but she’s also grown so much, she’s started kicking me out of the bathroom while she potties for privacy and saying “I don’t need your help anymore mommy!” 🥺 it’s so crazy seeing all of our babies this big!

also has anyone done adhd testing or know when? I’m not sure honestly what I’m looking for. my husband is adhd and suspects Presley is too since he knows the signs. but we don’t want to do medication if she is, but not sure what all there is to do for it these days! I’ll be talking to her pediatrician as well of course! ❤️ I just want to see if there’s other things we can do besides medication and helping her as best as we can, especially with her going to school soon!❤️