Condom/ plan b fail

I’m freaking out because I don’t want this to be true… I had sex with this guy I’ve been dating for 3 months we’re both single parents and don’t want to add anymore to our lives. We made the choice of having protected sex, the condom ended up busting so the same day I bought plan B and took it within hours. Little did I realize until I checked my app that I was day one into my fertility window. Yesterday I felt god awful and decided to take two tests and both gave faint positives. Today I took another one and still the same result. If I do my math right, I would only be 3weeks along (same time I found out I was pregnant with my last). I’ve been pregnant twice.. first ending in miscarriage and the second took a toll on my mental and physical health, I called my doctor to get a test done and I was told that “we’ll call you in three business days to put in the labs” my insurance doesn’t cover the abortion pill, and with my current custody battle with my ex it’s becoming harder to afford it out of pocket. What are my options?? What do I do?? I’m starting to slowly lose my mind