Anyone else still not sleeping?

l y s h✌🏻 • Mama x 5 🤍 + 👼🏻👼🏻👼🏻

My fifth baby but my first time absolutely refuse to sleep in bassinet. My husband and I trade off holding him all night long, he won’t even safely cosleep on his back. My back is killing me, we only sleep in 1–2 hour spurts and I have four other kids to care for.

We’ve been doing this 8 weeks now and I’m getting severe ppd and I can’t function.

We’ve already tried two reflux meds that don’t work and even considering clipping his tongue to see if that’ll help as dr thinks he has reflux from a tongue tie. But he’s nursing fine and gaining a ton. He’s just so hard.

Any advice ? I literally hold him 24/7 and I’m so tired