Struggling with growing a human and working

Shannon 🌈

Let me preface by saying that I KNOW there are people out there with much harder jobs than mine and I am truly amazed by how those awesome people handle pregnancy and continuing work!

I am 22 weeks with baby number 1 and I run a high school choral program. Just the teaching part of my job has been exhausting, but we are currently in the throes of rehearsing for the school musical, which I am music directing. This means that I spend every day, 7am-8pm, at work with wild (and wonderful) high schoolers.

I also teach a small private studio and work at our church as a section leader in the choir. This has turned out to be about 75hrs/week of work and though it’s not physically difficult (aside from being on my feet all day teaching) it has proven to be mentally exhausting.

We really need to save up the money for baby girl, since my husband lost his full time status at work a month ago. He is working on finding something else, but it’s been tough in his industry as there aren’t a lot of open positions within driving distance to us. He has upped his private studio lessons as well to help make ends meet.

Guys, I am so tired. I dread Monday mornings because I know that I have to muster as much energy as humanly possible for the week.

Do you all have any tips and tricks for getting through exhausting times like this while pregnant? Little girl is healthy and strong. We are keeping a close eye on her so that I can back off if necessary.

Anyway, if you’re still reading, thanks! Just needed to vent a little bit ☺️ Hope all of your little beans are healthy and happy in there!