Shocking News!!!


So my situation is a bit confusing! When I first started testing for pregnancy, I was getting these faint lines that did look like indents or evaps. I had severe headaches, nausea, vomiting, and felt damn tired all the time. I had eight tests that came back with faint lines, then two negatives, and then I started to bleed... it began with spotting until it got heavier. I thought it was AF until... things got worse. The cramping became so severe that I was getting sick. Other things went on, but I won't even go into that here. 😕 My bleeding just got heavier and heavier. I swore I was going to pass out. I took a pregnancy test because my sister suggested that I did, and what was odd is it was the first one that came up with a darker faint pink line. I only had one dollar tree test that came up with a very, very pink line before, and that was before my two negatives, so I was pretty confused. My symptoms worsened as the hours went by. On 1/18/23, I had my husband take me to the emergency room. At the emergency room, I told them about everything, so they took me back immediately and began testing. I had an ultrasound and Beta HCG quantitative test along with a blood type test. My ultrasound showed three empty gestational sacs! My Beta HCG was in the grey area. It also turns out that I have A- with RH- factor. I had to get a RhoGam shot.

I was five weeks along and didn't even know it. I was so shocked and confused tbh. 😕 I've been TTC for eight years, and this is my first miscarriage; the news was heart-rending. After eight years of trying, I feel like I am growing more and more despondent. The loss left me disconsolate. I never imagined my grief would be so irrepressible. 😔 The doctors said that the RhoGam shot would significantly reduce my chances of having another pregnancy loss??? They told me that having Rhesus Negative Factor is consequently causing me to have miscarriages... since my husband is RH positive... our babies will always be RH positive. I just don't get it. I had never heard of this before. My husband and I want to try again, and the doctors told us that it was OK to try again as soon as I ovulate. All I can say is that this was a harrowing experience.