Ovulation timing help.


OK a little backstory. We have been trying for about two years with no luck. We just finished three rounds of clomid even though I ovulate regularly, hoping that we would have an extra egg to catch. I had been using the at home ovulation predictor cats and I was coming up with ovulation days between CD 16 and 17 usually.

My doctor just wrote me a prescription of lectures, all which we are planning on trying next cycle with <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a>.

The fertility nurse recommended using clear blue ovulation strips because we were taking this month off. I thought I would use this month as a good practice month using those straps before we started our medicated <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a> cycle.

 Attached is my basal body temperature chart along with my calendar. I took one ovulation test and it came up with a solid smiley face.

Based on the test and my temperatures, what day do you think is ovulation day for me. Is it odd for it to be sooner than us test or was I just using less accurate ovulation strips?