

Sorry for the essay 😂

Just a couple curious questions really , (I have had implantation bleeding with every pregnancy btw) but I found out I was pregnant 2nd Jan but sadly it ended in a chemical ,but was just wondering if this was normal , I hear people saying they had implantation pinching and cramps and the IB around the same time ,with my pregnancy I felt the pinching /stabs at 5/6dpo then it felt like normal monthly cramps for abit , but then I tested positive at 11dpo and then started IB at 12dpo. , is that normal ? :-/ I wasn’t charting BBT then either so have no clue where my temps were . I always thought you got a positive AFTER IB or have I got that wrong :-/

Also , I’m on the next cycle now currently 6dpo ,iv had lower backache for days, felt like pulsating feeing in my lower front , and some monthly cramps and today iv felt sharp twangs on and off on my left side nearish to belly button , like a mild stab ,feels completely different from last time , does this sound like implantation ? Iv been comparing this time to last time but I know every time Is different ,

What did implantation feel like to you ? Also had a dip in bbt today but only just started charting that so still learning about it , also iv had what feels like slight lightning crotch which is what I got last time , and I never get that unless I’m pregnant 😳 so who knows , would be interested to find out what other people felt during implantation .