Epidural Question

Kelly • Wife and mama to two beautiful boys 💙💙 a baby in heaven 🤍and baby girl 💖

Hey mamas! I have a question about your epidurals.

Backstory: I gave birth in April to my second son. I’ve had an epidural with both labors. The second was different. The first, a man administered it. He didn’t have an issue and did it in a few minutes. The second time was a woman, and oh my! It took her forever! She listed several things that might happen if the epidural wasn’t right. She jabbed me several times. When she finally put it all the way in, I immediately had a headache. It was one of the side effects she listed. I told her and she kinda blew it off. After a minute or two it went away and the epidural kicked in.

Jumping ahead: labor went great after. When it was time to push, all went well. Couple of pushes and he was here. They put him on my chest immediately. I was so excited and fine. Then a minute later my chest was getting to heavy and I couldn’t breathe. My oxygen dropped to below 80%. My heart rate jumped over 150. They immediately took the baby and put me on oxygen. The doctor ordered X-rays and CT scan. I bled quite a bit as well. They stopped my epidural and I started to get cold, and shake uncontrollably. They said that was normal. They were able to get my levels back to normal. Took a bunch of blood. Ran an EKG on my heart and did did some other test on my heart. The blood showed traces of a possible heart attack, but all the heart test came back normal. They never were able to pin point what caused it.

I think to this day, it was my epidural. I had a very average, normal pregnancy. Labor was fine as well. The nurse said it was a textbook labor. But, the epidural just didn’t seem like last time. I never had the shakes after my first. Just tingles. One nurse thought that I might have gotten fluid in my spine from them not properly putting the epidural in. I haven’t had a problem since.

Has an experienced the same symptoms after giving birth?

My baby when he was born. 🥰🤗