My birth story ❤️❤️❤️


On January 21st, 2023, I went in with really bad back pain was at OB triage, and about an hour later I was at 3 cm dilated and 50% effaced. Kept me for an hour and discharged me. Jan.22.2023 went back in nothing changed kept me was having contractions 6 minutes apart and still got discharged. Then the morning of January 23rd, 2022, woke up at 4 am due to contractions. Waited a little bit then decided to call my doc instead this time. He called me back immediately, and I kept cutting him off and said "I just don't want to feel stupid to go in and get discharged." He then said take a warm bath or shower to see if it lightens up and if it don't then I was in labor. During and after the shower, I was having them back to back. They got worse. Killed sometime at home got last minute things together so I could let my body progress so I wouldn't get discharged. Went in about at 11 am and I was at a 5 cm dilated and 80 percent effaced gave me some calming meds, then about 2 hours later the nurse came back and said that since you didn't change your going home. I said no I'm not not with this pain. Then the nurse checked me again an hour later and I was 7 cm dilated and 90% effaced and had to wait for the epidural till I was at an 8!! 😭😭😭 I was brought up stairs to L&D and finally got my epidural. My doc almost didn't make it back in the room to deliver my baby. But he was there in time. She was born 01/23/23 at 7:04 pm.