Is this weird of m to ask?

Brittany 🌈🌈🌈

Ok so I know some people get weird about registries but we aren’t planning on having a baby shower but are still doing a registry. The reason we aren’t having a baby shower is because we live 6 hours from my family and I don’t know anyone here well enough that they would put one on for me and I don’t know who I would invite from here if I put one on for myself which is also kind of weird, I do however know people are wanting to give gifts but is it weird if I send them the Amazon registry and ask that they get something off that? There’s lots of options from things that are 5 dollars to 100 dollars, we are using this registry as our “to get still” list and have slowly taken off about 20 items ourselves that are big ticket items and will continue to do that as we buy stuff and this is a guide of product we have researched and prefer over the same old things people get for baby showers, is that weird of me to request ? Especially because I’m not having a baby shower? We are in no way expecting gifts or asking for them it’s just a guide for people who insist , is it weird to take away their option to choose freely themselves? I have never created any sort of registry or given people a list of “things I want” before so it’s awkward I guess.