Need help again!


So about an hour ago I had the smiley face on the clearblue digital opk (the pink one). I DTD last night. My husband has a low sperm count and low motility so my OB had told us to BD every other day. When should I BD again. Since my husband works a lot we have 2 only 2 options. Either in 12 hours or the next day in about 28 hours after my smiley face. Clerblue says that after the smiley face occurs after 24-36 hours after the smiley face. When it's the best possible time to ensure good sperm quality and not to lose my ovulation either?

If we BD after 12 hours it won't have been 48 hours since the last time we DTD , it will be only 30 hours after. That's why I'm thinking about it too much. Will the sperm have the time to regenerate? Damn ttc looks more difficult than math to me now 😖

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