He keeps playing with me but it weirdos me out

1: he’s joking it’s fine keep talking to him

2: leave him if he makes you uncomfortable

I met this guy about a year ago and he seemed funny and we could relate quite a bit. I was kind of not comfortable with wanting to hang out with him for some reason. He started showing an interest in me, meanwhile as he was talking to someone I overheard him say he only likes women with big feet and moms. Neither of them apply to me. He kept sneak dissing me because I wouldn’t hang out with him and he tried to tell me he saw me out in public meanwhile I never went out in public this week. I made a joke saying what are you going to do tickle my feet when I see you? He responded “Where did you come up with idea lol? Plus you’re so short I beg you hot baby size feet lol 👀” Obviously when he told me that he was saying he likes my feet but at the same time it grossed me out. I don’t want to upset him by leaving him because he’s into something I’m not but at the same time it grosses me out.

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