BBT Chart Questions!


Okay, so I had a miscarriage last month on 1/18/23. I did not track my BBT every day like I did this month, but last month, when I had my positive OPK, my temp raised. Then after, it dipped a little but remained high until I started to have a miscarriage. This month my temps were consistent before my positive OPK. My temp stayed at 98.2, then around CD 16, my temp dipped to 98.0, then gradually raised to 98.4, then 99.2. About 24 hours after my peak, my temp dropped to 98.7 but didn't go back to baseline. Today my temp has risen from 98.7 to 98.9. It's not going down or staying the same but rather rising.

I don't know much about the BBT charts, ngl. My question is, does it look like I ovulated? What does my chart seem to be saying? Maybe this is a stupid question, and as I said, I am just learning about BBT stuff. I will attach last month's BBT chart and my BBT chart so far this month. I did start to have ovulation pain around the time of my temp drop, and it lasted up until my peak. What do you guys think? I will continue to track BBT. I am hoping I conceived, but I guess time will tell. I've been TTC for eight years, and I am 28, about to be 29, and my husband is 45 and about to be 46 (yes, I know, 17 years is a considerable age gap), so I feel like our time is running out. Any feedback will be appreciated. TIA.

P.S. I use two apps to track my cycles.

My temp pattern this month thus far:

98.2° F

98.2° F

98.2° F

98.2° F

98.2° F

98.2° F

98.2° F

98.3° F

98.3° F

98.0° F

98.4° F

99.2° F

98.7° F

98.9° F

I usually ovulate CD 16.

My cycles are 29-30 days long.

My baseline temp is 98.2 or 93.3° F

January's chart when I was pregnant!

Jan 3rd- Jan 17th (Miscarriage on 1/18/23). It seems like my temp dipped on 7 dpo.

Jan 23rd-Feb 5th BBT chart!

Jan 23rd-Feb 5th BBT chart!

This month's chart Jan 23rd-Feb 5th!