Sister oked/supported nieces @bortion- angry vent

I know I am anon but I am also posting about a banned topic so whatever here I go.

My sister has a daughter 16 about to be 17. I found out this weekend that 2 months ago, my sister funded her daughters termination. Niece originally wanted to do it behind sisters back, but was unable to due to money, transportation reasons, it was just not something she was unable to hide. Sister fully supported daughters wishes

Here is why I am angry. My sister in law is adamantly pro life, to the point where when roe and wade was overturned she wouldn’t stop running her mouth in person, online about how happy she was all the babies would live now and “no more baby murders”


Don’t get me wrong- I am so so so so happy my niece had all her options available to her, as we obviously live somewhere where it’s legal, but I think EVERYONE should have the same opportunity.

I read on another online forum, not glow, but a forum similar, a woman lived in a state where it was banned. So she posted she bought the pills online, and she was updating every couple hours. She lost a ton of blood and really needed medical attention, but couldn’t out of fear of repercussions. It was disgusting and so inhume this woman could have bleed to death on her bathroom floor ALONE for something that SHOULD have been done under a doctors care. This is not an isolated story this happens all the time.

WHY do people like my SISTER thinks this ok?? Why should *SOME* people get proper medical care but others she’s like “oh, oh well, should have used protection”. It’s fucking disgusting.

Like I said. I am happy my niece had a safe procedure. I am happy she was under a doctors care. But this should be for everyone. I wish this changed my sisters perspective but it hasn’t. She still claims it should be illegal. Make it make sense

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Posted at
Your anger is valid and justified. Your sister is hypocritical.


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I agree. Your sister is a POS person, selfish bitch


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Yah. It should have humbled your sister and been the catalyst for a change of heart with her opinions. Darn.


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I’m thankful your niece got the healthcare she needed. You have the right to your anger though. Thanks to the pro-life community not everyone will. Google “The Only Moral Abortion is My Abortion”When the Anti-Choice ChooseBy Joyce ArthurIt might help you understand. It’s a really common phenomena where those seeking abortion are able to justify theirs as necessary, but everyone else’s choice as morally wrong.


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It makes zero logical sense, but your sister would have rationalised it due to cognitive dissonance


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At the end of the day this is none of your business & this post will be deleted. Your sister can advocate for something to change & still understand that it’s not currently illegal & is an available service. One way or another her daughter was probably going to get an abortion, so she decided to be a mature woman, keep her personal opinion to herself, & support her daughter through what is most likely the toughest day of her life so far. I am sure her daughter is well aware of her mothers stance on abortion, but she still trusts her mom enough to reach out when she needed one. That speaks volumes about your sisters character.


kimfan🖤 • Feb 6, 2023
Agreed ❤️


Ki • Feb 6, 2023
Yes, but in this specific scenario we’re talking about what happened between her and her daughter regarding an abortion. Like I said, I hope it does change her opinion 🤷🏻‍♀️


kimfan🖤 • Feb 6, 2023
The other option would be to support ALL women, instead of advocating for it to be banned. Of course she shouldn’t call her daughter a murderer, but she shouldn’t call anyone a murderer who makes this choice