Being a new mom is hard


I don’t think people talk enough about how hard is being a new mom. While pregnancy I knew it was going to be a challenge but I never thought I will feel so stress out and overwhelmed all the time. I have a 5 week baby and it has been a constant battle daily to understand his needs, and i feel i still no doing good enough. First I am worry all the time, thinking i did something wrong or if there is something wrong with him. I am worry if he is eating enough, sleeping enough, having enough belly time to develop and I just don’t want to mess him up. I know people can mentioning try to make a schedule but he is a baby and he does what he want most of the time. Most of the time he cries himself to sleep, and other time he is so sleepy he doesn’t want to finish his bottle. He hates tummy time, and i’m sure he is having reflux because middle of sleep he has this weird noises and sometimes he cries a bit and fall back to sleep. That too i didn’t know babies made so much noises while sleeping, which mean i can’t sleep because i’m checking him every-time to make sure he is doing ok.

I am no complaining i’m just wondering is this like this for everyone, what are some tips?