Retrieval set for 2/15! 🎉


Tonight I do my last shot… trigger tonight and then my retrieval is Wednesday Morning! Super excited and nervous. I now have about 15 follicles from the 17 they saw on Friday that will be ready. Praying a few more days will speed up the ones trailing behind. I ready to be on the next step. Anyone doing their retrievals this week???


2/15 Retrieval we collected 17 eggs

2/16 12 were mature and ALL 12 fertilized

My next update will be Tuesday at Day6!! 🎉 staying positive and feeling very optimistic!!

Update Day 6….

We have 4 embryos that have grown to day 5-6. They are waiting on “a couple more overnight” and we will have final numbers today. So far We have 5AA, 5AB, 5BA and 6AB. They are off for testing so we wait 2 weeks to hear results for our final then tack down a transfer plan. I was quite disappointed yesterday after hearing this but hubs reminded me that we are just thankful for what we have! 🤞🏼🤞🏼

We got one more embryo 6AB! So our total is 5! Feeling happier with that news! 🎉 one day at a time!