HSG - Thoughts or Experiences?


Hi everyone. My doctor just offered the HSG test. I just started looking into it so I only know the basics so far. Looking for anyone's experience, advice, knowledge.

It took us a year and half of actively ttc to get pregnant and then it was ectopic. They did a laparoscopy and found I have endometriosis and there was a lot of build up from that they took care of while in there. I didn't lose a tube and they actually couldn't find the pregnancy in there so after the surgery I received methotrexate. My doctor has offered to refer me for the hsg test before trying again, totally up to me. I'm just trying to decide it it will be beneficial. I'd like to make sure everything is clear and hopefully avoid another ectopic or another year of ttc with no luck. But I also don't want to do it if it won't be beneficial since they just looked at and cleared my tubes via surgery a little over a month ago. I also read some conflicting things about the pain it causes on here, guessing it just depends on the person.