6 weeks5 days is this normal

Kendall • 26 years old, Rainbow Baby due Oct 12th 2023 profile picture is a Webtoon Comic- The Makeup Remover New phone, glow reset

I don't go for my first appointment and scan until March 16th, sucks but best they had. I go for a bloodtest a week prior. When I wipe I have like a brown/little red side blood, and I'm here having a panic at 2:30am. I've been sick since Monday (Thursday now) and I just found out it could possibly be covid since my grandfather who we visited on Saturday tested positive for covid. I'm just scared, I lost my 2 children at 21 weeks, and had 25 weeks, lost her at a month 10 days old.. I've had a miscarriage at 5 weeks before. I'm praying with every part of me that everything is okay.